Menstrual Phases of Self-Care

By Wilda François

Seldom do we pay attention to the way our bodies respond to our menstruation cycle outside of standard PMS and period pains. After two years of tracking my cycle and PMS symptoms and extending those observations past menstruation, I realized how my body, mood and hormones flow according to the 4 phases.

There are 4 phases of the menstrual cycle: Menstruation, the Follicular phase, Ovulation and the Luteal phase. Of course, a well-known occurrence during this cycle consists of symptoms of PMS or Premenstrual Syndrome: from mood swings, to apathy, cravings, and stomach troubles–but typically this only describes one phase. Additionally, it’s quite common for women to get through the bleeding phase and move on through. I had forgotten how, as women, our internal body functions around this cycle for the entirety of the month. Allow me to explain how tracking and understanding each phase can bring more control, clarity, and respect for what our bodies most need.

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